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The Bali Collection by House of Raasche

Traditional Balinese society demands a great deal of its gentle women. Daily, in addition to all the household obligation, it is the women who are charged with the spiritual wellbeing of their families. Each day, it is the women who patiently create elaborate offerings of flowers, sweet-smelling fruit and incense, which they disperse throughout their family temples, all around their households, and everywhere in their villages. One sees them walking everywhere, swaying gently as they balance on their heads towering offerings of fruits and flowers to adorn the village temples. 

Very little time or opportunity remains for women to make their own money. Turning their creative talents to the crafting of beautiful, beadwork fashion accessories provides the women of this village cooperative with such opportunities. "Your purchase empowers these Balinese women, helps them earn funds to care for their children, and contributes to the sustainable development of the village community." ` Barbara A. Matzner, Designer. 

© 2018 by House of Raasche

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